Fredi Thalmann Sculpture at the ETH

Ever since September, I have been waiting for the fence to come down around this building. I pass by it almost every day, as it is next to one of our tram stops.

I also wanted to make sure there were no weird shadows on it, so I snapped this shot on one of our many cloudy days.

Next to this grand staircase is this concrete sculpture.

Of course, I had to find out about it. I discovered that it was created by Fredi Thalmann, a sculptor from St. Gallen. You can see his website with other works of his here,

From what I understand, this sculpture was supposed to be removed when they renovated and created a new building for Health Sciences and Technology. However, the sign near the sculpture says that the building (on the left) is the Informationstechnologie and Elektrotechnik.

They decided to keep the sculpture, created in 1979, as a separator between the two buildings.

More photos on glampinginswitzerland’s Instagram.

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