Chefchaouen: The Blue City

What a charming city Chefchaouen is, set in the Rif Mountains. it was founded in 1471 by the Berbers, an indigenous people of northern Africa. The two official languages of Morocco are Arabic and Berber. French is also spoken, so we used a lot of merci.

We spent most of our time in the medina – the old part of the city which is car-free. One can wander the medina and only get a little lost before suddenly finding yourself in a familiar corner. Why is the city blue? No one is completely sure, but the two leading theories are that the Jewish refugees who came in 1930 painted it. The other theory is that it keeps away mosquitos. In either case, it is a truly beautiful place.

Looking out over the medina

More photos at glampinginswitzerland’s Intstagram.

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