Tinguely Museum Basel

We are chipping away at our must-do-before-we-leave list. (Although, we keep adding to our list….) Turns out that the Jean Tinguely Museum in Basel is free on Thursday evenings, so that seemed a great time to go. Regular readers of this blog will know that I am fond of Tinguely’s kinetic sculptures.

Currently there is an exhibition of works by other artists about the intersection of sound and art. In this one, you wear headphones, and as you walk along this hallway (which overlooks the Rhine River), the sounds change.

With their movement, Tinguely’s works make lots of squeaky, clanking noises.

You can get an idea of his works in this YouTube video.

Outside is a work by Tinguely’s wife, Niki de Saint Phalle.

Many more photos at glampinginswitzerland’s Instagram.

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