Day Trip to Lutherstadt Wittenberg

Last summer the Deutsche Bahn sold an amazing ticket for one month of travel throughout the whole country of Germany for only 9 euros. This was good on all transportation except for the fast trains. We got good use of our ticket for the one week we were in the south of Germany last August.

This year there is a similar ticket, but it is now selling for 49 euros. Since we are here for a month it is still one of the best deals around.

After a few days here, we took a regional train to Lutherstadt Wittenberg. Even on a regional train, it only took about 1 ½ hours from Berlin. As the name implies, this is a city famous for Martin Luther and the Reformation.

Our first stop was at the 360-degree Asisi panorama. This circular building projects a painting by Yadegar Asisi which depicts the city in 1517.

A small version of the panorama

With an audio guide, you walk around the whole circle, learning about life in medieval times. It takes just under an hour to go all the way around.

Armed with a little knowledge, we walked through the old town, stopping at the Marktplatz. In this globe sculpture you can see a reflection of the white city hall, the Stadtkirche (city church) where Luther preached, and a statue of Luther.

Here at the Schlosskirche (castle church) are where the wooden doors where Luther nailed his 95 Theses. The original doors burned, so here are the replacement ones of bronze with the theses integrated. Both churches played a role in Luther’s time in Wittenberg.

Here is the tower of that church.

Wittenberg also has a school designed by the Viennese architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

More photos at glampinginswitzerland’s Instagram.

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