Lichterschwimmen 2022

In 2014 we enjoyed the Zürich tradition of Lichterschwimmen. It was one of the first things I put on my calendar when we moved here. This time I read a how these floating candles on the river came to be a thing. In 1962 a Zürich schoolteacher wanted to do something to celebrate Schulsylvester (the last day of school before the Christmas holiday).

This year the weather was perfect. It had been windy all day, but warm. By evening it was around 48 (Fahrenheit) and not raining, We met friends at the Weinplatz near the Hotel Storchen and waited for the candles to come down the river.

In the distance, the candles appeared, bobbing and floating along.

The people in kayaks were ready. At the end they collect all of the candles.

Candles floating closer.

And closer.

Our friend made a timelapse movie of the event. You can watch the 36-second video here.

I found this more comprehensive video here. It is from 2019 when the churches were lit up at night, before they were trying to save energy.

I find that a river flowing through a town helps make a city wonderful. This is only one example of why!

More photos at glampinginswitzerland’s Instagram.

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