Going to the Movies in Berlin

When it’s hot out, it’s a good day to go to the movies. The theaters we have gone to are not air-conditioned cold like in the US, but they are not very hot, so it was a good choice.

First, you have to find the version of the movie you want to see. We wanted to see our choices in English, so we chose the “O” version (meaning original). One had German subtitles, so that was “OmU” (Original mit Untertiteln).

The first movie we saw was the Indiana Jones in a multiplex in Potsdamer Platz. We arrived early, just to make sure we knew where we were going. When buying your ticket, the seller asks what seat you’d like. Just like going to the opera. We probably could have sat anywhere in the theater, as on Monday afternoon we were two of about 5 movie-goers.

I’d read that if the movie is over 2 hours, there might be an intermission. There wasn’t this time. I also read that you pay more for movies over 2 hours. I think we paid about 10 euros each, maybe a little more. What I really liked about this theater were the reclining seats! I sunk in and was totally comfortable for the show.

You can see my legs and feet in the dark.

Another hot day we chose to see the new Wes Anderson movie, Asteroid City. If we wanted to go in the afternoon, we had limited choices. The “OmU” was playing at the Kino International on Karl-Marx-Allee. This is no multiplex – just one very large theater. It was built in 1963. It was the premiere cinema in East Berlin until the 1990s.

We passed by the refreshment stand, but we could have had quite a choice of libations.

Although the seats did not recline, we sat in our assigned spots which the seller had chosen for us. She must have spread us all around on purpose, as we were not close to anyone.

On a Saturday we paid 12 euros for our tickets.