St. George Abbey and Stadtkirche in Stein Am Rhein

On my third visit to Stein Am Rhein, I took these photos of the St. George Abbey. This former Benedictine monastery now houses a museum which will open next month. Perhaps I will make another trip to this painfully beautiful medieval town to see what’s behind these walls.

Right on the Rhine River

The Stadtkirche (city church) next to the monastery was built in the 12th C. During the reformation it converted to a Reformed (Protestant) church.

Are these the 12 Apostles times two? Whoever they are, I have not seen a door quite like this one before.

More photos at glampinginswitzerland’s Instagram.

Stein Am Rhein: Werd Island

Christmas Eve took us on a return visit to Stein am Rhein, an adorable medieval town on the Swiss border with Germany. Last time we were there we walked up the hill to the castle (which was closed). This time we walked along the Rhein to Werd Island. The Island is reachable by wooden bridge.

As we walked down the local streets, people called out friendly greetings to us. Maybe that is because it was a holiday, or maybe (and I think this is the reason) is that people in smaller Swiss towns are more likely to smile and say, “Greuzi” than people in the big cities. It infused us with good feelings of Christmas cheer.

Evidence of pile houses from 5000 BC point to the island’s early inhabitants. Today the monastery on the island is home to five Franciscan monks. Visitors may walk around the small yard and enjoy the labyrinth.

Werd Island affords a lovely view of Stein Am Rhein.

The island is also a bird sanctuary.

More photos at glampinginswitzerland’s Instagram.