Swiss Kissed

I have finally been Swiss kissed. I had read about it, I had seen it, and now, it has happened to me.

First time it was by my orchestra friend and stand partner. She has lived in Switzerland for many, many years, although she was born in the US and has also lived in England and France. So, she’s sort-of Swiss.

With all the fuzziness of the holiday season, I have also been Swiss kissed by two friends after a lovely lunch. But they are American, so it has a different feel.

However, I knew it was real when I was approached by my orchestra section leader who is a very sweet Swiss woman (and whose High German is easy for me to understand). It was the last rehearsal before Christmas, and we won’t see each other for a few weeks. She gave me the ‘ole right-left-right and a big smile as we were saying “Frohe Weihnachten.”

I have arrived.

You can read more about this tradition at Diccon Bewes’s blog here.

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